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The Feeling Body : Affective Science Meets the Enactive Mind by Giovanna Colombetti read ebook PDF, DJV, DOC


In The Feeling Body , Giovanna Colombetti takes ideas from the enactive approach developed over the last twenty years in cognitive science and philosophy of mind and applies them for the first time to affective science -- the study of emotions, moods, and feelings. She argues that enactivism entails a view of cognition as not just embodied but also intrinsically affective, and she elaborates on the implications of this claim for the study of emotion in psychology and neuroscience. In the course of her discussion, Colombetti focuses on long-debated issues in affective science, including the notion of basic emotions, the nature of appraisal and its relationship to bodily arousal, the place of bodily feelings in emotion experience, the neurophysiological study of emotion experience, and the bodily nature of our encounters with others. Drawing on enactivist tools such as dynamical systems theory, the notion of the lived body, neurophenomenology, and phenomenological accounts of empathy, Colombetti advances a novel approach to these traditional issues that does justice to their complexity. Doing so, she also expands the enactive approach into a further domain of inquiry, one that has more generally been neglected by the embodied-embedded approach in the philosophy of cognitive science.

The Feeling Body : Affective Science Meets the Enactive Mind download book FB2, PDF, DJV

As such, it will be of interest to clinical and forensic psychologists, psychological therapists and mental health staff working within a prison context, as well as postgraduates in training and researchers studying suicide in forensic settings" Neurobiology of Language "explores the study of language, a field that has seen tremendous progress in the last two decades.It is therefore no coincidence that when they wrote about the mental work of reason and imagination, they modeled their powers of intellect in terms of collecting, cataloging, and classification.One of the main ones is undoubtedly the fact that, as J.Associations with dementia and pre-dementia cognitive performance are reported, described, and discussed with a focus on underlying brain mechanisms.As it was pointed out in the introduction, quality of life category is omnipresent in social, medical and other disciplines that are related to human existence.Color photographs throughout the book show babies' motivation in play and how subtle interactions build bonding and encourage development.The volume is a resource for professionals and students in neuropsychology, behavioral medicine, neurology, cardiology, cardiovascular and behavioral epidemiology, gerontology, geriatric medicine, nursing, adult developmental psychology, and for other physicians and health care professionals who work with patients with, or at risk for, CVDs., Cardiovascular disease - the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in most westernized nations - confers risk for stroke, vascular dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.At once scholarly and exploratory, pragmatic and visionary, Psychoanalytic Participation helps shepherd psychoanalysis into the 21st century while making psychoanalytic wisdom - both traditional and contemporary - available to the broad community of psychotherapists appreciative of the usefulness of cognitive-behavioral treatment strategies." Play Reduxexcels in tying together intellectual traditions that are rooted in literary studies, cognitive science, play studies and several other fields, thereby creating a logical whole.Pitts-Taylor is interested in how the brain interacts with and is impacted by social structures, especially in regards to race, class, gender, sexuality, and disability, as well as how those social structures shape neuroscientific knowledge.