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Sport and Exercise Psychology Research : From Theory to Practice (2016, E-book) by download ebook FB2, TXT, DJV


Sport and Exercise Psychology Research: From Theory to Practice provides a comprehensive summary of new research in sport and exercise psychology from worldwide researchers. Encompassing theory, research, and applications, the book is split into several themed sections. Section 1 discusses basic antecedents to performance including fitness, practice, emotion, team dynamics, and more. Section 2 identifies factors influencing individual performance. Section 3 discusses applied sport psychology for athletes and coaches, and section 4 includes approaches from exercise psychology on motivation and well-being. The book includes a mix of award winning researchers from the European Sport Psychology Association, along with top researchers from the U.S. to bring an international overview to sport psychology. Includes international contributions from Europe and the U.S. Encompasses theory, research, and applications Includes sport psychology and exercise research Features applied information for use with coaches, teams, and elite athletes Identifies performance enhancers and inhibitors, This book provides a comprehensive summary of new research in sport and exercise psychology from worldwide researchers. Encompassing theory, research, and applications, the book is split into several themed sections. Section 1 discusses basic antecedents to performance including fitness, practice, emotion, team dynamics and more. Section 2 identifies factors influencing individual performance. Section 3 discusses applied sport psychology for athletes and coaches, and section 4 includes approaches from exercise psychology on motivation and well-being. The book includes a mix of award winning researchers from the European Sport Psychology Association along with top researchers from the US to bring an international overview to sport psychology. International contributions from Europe and the US Encompasses theory, research, and applications Includes sport psychology and exercise research Applied information for use with coaches, teams, and elite athletes Identifies performance enhancers and inhibitors

Download book Sport and Exercise Psychology Research : From Theory to Practice (2016, E-book) in MOBI, DJV, PDF

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