Deb DeArmond - Don't Go to Bed Angry : Stay up and Fight read online TXT, DOC
In every marriage, there is conflict. And with every conflict, there is a choice for resolution. Will you ignore the issue until it seemingly goes away? Or will you work together to find peace? In Don't Go to Bed Angry, Deb and Ron DeArmond give you permission to fight. Conflict isn't the problem, after all; the real issue is how we deal with the conflict. Deb and Ron demonstrate how communication through conflict can safeguard--and even strengthen--your relationship. Immensely practical features including worksheets and discussion questions make this a definitive go-to resource to help you start fighting--together--for your marriage. PRAISE FOR DON'T GO TO BED ANGRY: "Don't Go to Bed Angry. Stay Up and Fight " packs a one-two punch into the gut of all marital conflict no matter the source. The book is both transparent and practical, offering couples a variety of proven tools to develop marital muscles to knock out every opponent, and arise as Christ-like champions. An incredible resource "--Clint and Penny A. Bragg, Authors of Marriage on the Mend--Healing Your Relationship After Crisis, Separation, or Divorce and founders, Inverse Ministries "In Don't Go To Bed Angry. Stay Up and Fight, Deb and Ron DeArmond deliver a biblically-based book on the topic of marital conflict. Practical exercises will help the reader move away from the potential damage conflict can bring to the discovery that comes from learning to stand together as allies not enemies--even when you don't see eye-to-eye. We highly recommend this book as a creative guide for any couple, at any stage of life to find alignment with one another--and God--in their marriage."--Claudia & David Arp, Co-authors, 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage and founders of Marriage Alive International. "Don't Go to Bed Angry has a solid Biblical foundation and is full of wise counsel and great practical tools. Deb and Ron are open and honest as they share from their experiences and those of others. I have been counseling couples for over thirty years, and this great, new title goes immediately to the top of my list of books on how to deal with conflict in marriage and grow your marriage God's way." --Kim Kimberling, PhD, author of Seven Secrets to an Awesome Marriage and the leader of the Awesome Marriage Movement. "When my sons were teenagers, they often argued. Finally one day, I sat them on our couch and said, "I'm going to teach you how to fight." They were shocked. They thought they were experts. I gave a couple of steps to keep their arguments respectful and to help them own their own feelings. In their book, the DeArmonds have set us all down on their own couch and given us the principles to do right what we probably all do, and do wrong. These principles work The sooner you start, the sooner you reap the benefits." --Joann Cole Webster, Vice President, Christian Men's Network "In our work with couples in crisis for twenty years we have seen the value of having conflict resolution skills. "Fights"--loud and silent--can become long lasting wars with much devastation. In Don't Go To Bed Angry, Deb and Ron give us a pattern to develop essential skills to resolve inevitable marital conflict. Read this book and let God guide the application to your marriage. Then you can begin the "fight for" your marriage. It's so worth it "--Mona Shriver, author of Unfaithful and co-founder of Hope & Healing Ministries. Praise for author Deb DeArmond and her previous book, I Choose You Today: 31 Choices to Make Love Last "It's often been said that our choices define us. That's true personally, but it's also a key to our relationships. Deb DeArmond has provided a practical and insightful book detailing 31 choices we can make as husbands and wives that have the potential to transform even a good marriage--and make it a great one." --Greg Smalley, Vice President of Family Ministry, Focus on the Family
In every marriage, there is conflict. And with every conflict, there is a choice for resolution. Will you ignore the issue until it seemingly goes away? Or will you work together to find peace? In Don't Go to Bed Angry, Deb and Ron DeArmond give you permission to fight. Conflict isn't the problem, after all; the real issue is how we deal with the conflict. Deb and Ron demonstrate how communication through conflict can safeguard--and even strengthen--your relationship. Immensely practical features including worksheets and discussion questions make this a definitive go-to resource to help you start fighting--together--for your marriage. PRAISE FOR DON'T GO TO BED ANGRY: "Don't Go to Bed Angry. Stay Up and Fight " packs a one-two punch into the gut of all marital conflict no matter the source. The book is both transparent and practical, offering couples a variety of proven tools to develop marital muscles to knock out every opponent, and arise as Christ-like champions. An incredible resource "--Clint and Penny A. Bragg, Authors of Marriage on the Mend--Healing Your Relationship After Crisis, Separation, or Divorce and founders, Inverse Ministries "In Don't Go To Bed Angry. Stay Up and Fight, Deb and Ron DeArmond deliver a biblically-based book on the topic of marital conflict. Practical exercises will help the reader move away from the potential damage conflict can bring to the discovery that comes from learning to stand together as allies not enemies--even when you don't see eye-to-eye. We highly recommend this book as a creative guide for any couple, at any stage of life to find alignment with one another--and God--in their marriage."--Claudia & David Arp, Co-authors, 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage and founders of Marriage Alive International. "Don't Go to Bed Angry has a solid Biblical foundation and is full of wise counsel and great practical tools. Deb and Ron are open and honest as they share from their experiences and those of others. I have been counseling couples for over thirty years, and this great, new title goes immediately to the top of my list of books on how to deal with conflict in marriage and grow your marriage God's way." --Kim Kimberling, PhD, author of Seven Secrets to an Awesome Marriage and the leader of the Awesome Marriage Movement. "When my sons were teenagers, they often argued. Finally one day, I sat them on our couch and said, "I'm going to teach you how to fight." They were shocked. They thought they were experts. I gave a couple of steps to keep their arguments respectful and to help them own their own feelings. In their book, the DeArmonds have set us all down on their own couch and given us the principles to do right what we probably all do, and do wrong. These principles work The sooner you start, the sooner you reap the benefits." --Joann Cole Webster, Vice President, Christian Men's Network "In our work with couples in crisis for twenty years we have seen the value of having conflict resolution skills. "Fights"--loud and silent--can become long lasting wars with much devastation. In Don't Go To Bed Angry, Deb and Ron give us a pattern to develop essential skills to resolve inevitable marital conflict. Read this book and let God guide the application to your marriage. Then you can begin the "fight for" your marriage. It's so worth it "--Mona Shriver, author of Unfaithful and co-founder of Hope & Healing Ministries. Praise for author Deb DeArmond and her previous book, I Choose You Today: 31 Choices to Make Love Last "It's often been said that our choices define us. That's true personally, but it's also a key to our relationships. Deb DeArmond has provided a practical and insightful book detailing 31 choices we can make as husbands and wives that have the potential to transform even a good marriage--and make it a great one." --Greg Smalley, Vice President of Family Ministry, Focus on the Family